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My Story

Mother        ∵        Sacred Space Facilitator       ∵        Guide


Hola familia, I'm Amy Viola.

Thank you for being here.


Over the past ten years, I have had the honour of serving as a

sacred space facilitator and guide, exploring this role in 

many different forms and environments. 

It all began in 2010 during my first Reiki session where I found myself in an uncontrollable and cathartic flood of tears within minutes of laying on the table.  It was as if I was shedding decades of unresolved pain; like a weight had been lifted off of my soul.

This experience initiated my mission of feeling my emotions and reconnecting with my body...

and to feeling my paina connection that had been severed in my younger years.

It was a profound awakening, a recognition of the hurt that had silently been shaping my reality for most of my life.

And it ignited a deep desire for me to remember who I truly was before and beyond the conditioning of my childhood.

I was on a quest for freedom, and that would mean having to face everything that was holding me back from my authentic, free self.

I trained in the realms of Reiki, energywork, yoga, breathwork, and emotional healing and counselling - each modality bringing me closer to myself and the Divine. My deep passion and affinity for 'The Mother' archetype led me to become a Holistic Doula in 2015, where I discovered the shadows of the medical system and their massive, manipulative impact on the way us women birth on Earth.

Once I learned that moving towards my pain was the catalyst for my healing, I went in head first, (like us Aries' do) determined to face it all.

I worked intentionally with MDMA, psilocybin and ayahuasca; each medicine bringing me incredibly valuable insights and supporting my mission of taking an honest look at my pain.

All of the inner work I had been cultivating over the years motivated me to practice self-love and radical truth in my personal relationships. And this is when my life really started to uplevel.

A new kind of authenticity and vulnerability was required for this way of relating that was never modelled to me in my in younger years. I came to realize that the more I practiced honouring my truth, the more my life mirrored back to me an aligned and awesome reality.

Through conscious, compassionate human connection,

we have the power

to consciously create our most aligned and epic life. ​​

The work I share today is a return to this remembering, a return to Love.

In the heart of Circle Sagrada, you are invited to step into the totality of the

Darkness and the Light, and open to all that becomes possible in the realness of our human experience. 


Because our healing is relational, and we need each other to grow.​​​​​

I am currently based up on the mystical Chirripó mountain in Costa Rica where I live with my treasured family. 


Building a life in this lush, magical country has been a vision held close to my heart since 2013, and all of my life experiences have been a significant path in getting me here.

I offer 1:1 sessions, sacred circles and retreats, and also travel to share my work.

Why I do this work.

I believe that collectively, we are living disconnected from ourselves, the Earth, Spirit and each other. And this is the root of our suffering. 

When we come together in circle, there is a tangible kind of remembrance that happens... within ourselves and with each other.


As we give ourselves a safe and sacred space to be present with ourselves and with each other, we have access to more information;  to more truth.


We remember that we're not so unique in our pain, and that our vulnerabilities are actually our greatest points of connection.

Our bodies and spirits naturally want to heal, and when we offer them this kind of space to deeply listen and to fully express, miracles happen. 

Welcome to Circle Sagrada, where you are received fully and intimately in the Darkness and the Light...

Where you may remember how to embody a deeper sense of self-trust, self-empowerment, and freedom.


My husband, Teun (AKA T) and I love to join forces in our work togeher as facilitators.  We offer circles and retreats together, and are open to working with other parties for events.

If you're interested in working with him, check out his page and reach out!

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